Monday, November 19, 2012

Why so serious? Learning to be a Mommy.

I realized today that as of lately my blog topics have always been so serious which I find interesting because it is not often that I have deep revelations about life and things of that nature. So I thought I would write a blog on a lighter more fun topic , Learning to be a Mommy, though this is tough at times (as posted about in my last blog) it is probably the most fun thing I have ever done in my entire life.
Some people may be tired of reading about this stuff and if that's you then sorry go read another blog. This is my life and I am loving every minute of it.
I realized a couple days ago just how much I have changed in the last three months (since we have had Ethan full time). In this past three months I have gone from waking up fifteen minutes before I needed to out the door to waking up an hour an a half before we needed to be anywhere! I have also done things like planned a birthday party and attended parent teach meetings and today received and invite to a Christmas concert at his school, and though this is always something I knew would come one day it is still so surreal that it is happening to me now. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I AM DOING!! but I love it! I feel like I was thrown head first into the deep end of the pool without knowing how to swim because I didn't get the chance to work my way into mommyhood from infancy on up. I saw Ethan a couple times a year from the age of 2 on and now he is here all the time so I am jumping in sink or swim.
I have found it humorous that I do and say the things to him that I remember my parents doing for me and it makes me laugh because I just can't believe it is myself on the other end, battles at bedtime , hearing "I don't like it" at dinner time when it's a food he has never tried hearing him tell me it's not fair when his toys get taken away when he was being bad and me saying the ever so famous phrase "life isn't fair."
I love being able to take him and his friends out to places and hear them giggling in the backseat because I listen to silly music and find it incredibly adorable when he is trying to be sneaky and do something he shouldn't but he ends up laughing so loud that he gives himself away.
I love his cuddles
I love his kisses (spider and centipede kisses in all)
I love his laugh
I love his shyness
I love for life
and as cliche as it may sound he really does make me want to be a better person I want to set the example for him.
He is 6 now and I can't wait to watch him turn 7 and 10 and 16 and 30. He makes my life so much more fun and I love learning to be his Mommy Anna.