Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Little Things

As many of you may or may not have heard Tim and I have made the decision that as of October we will be moving to Massachusetts to live. This has been good news to some people and not so good news for others. I wanted to take a moment to write this blog so that the people close to us can at least get a little bit of insight into why the decision was made and what went into it as I feel like we are getting a lot of people asking why or if we had considered different things when making this choice.
I do want to let people know that this was not an overnight decision. This was not a something we gave little thought to. Tim and I have both thought and prayed about this situation for a while now and have considered all that is to be considered concerning the issue. We understand what we are giving up here in GA and it is not gonna be easy to walk away from a great job, a wonderful family, and everything I know to be home but through prayer and a lot of thought I have come to the realization that I have to do what's best for MY family, as in mine and Tim's not my extended family. I love my Mother, brothers, sister in laws and nieces and nephew more than anyone will ever know but as true as that may be they aren't my priority Ethan is.

God blessed me two years ago not only with an amazing husband but also a beautiful little boy that I wouldn't trade for anything on this planet. Moving to MA will accomplish something Tim and I have been trying to do ever since he moved here three years ago and that is being closer to Ethan and getting to see him so much more often. Most parents tend to take for granted so many "little" things they get to do with their kids on a regular basis that we are being forced to miss out on due to the distance between us. We want so badly be able to see Tee ball games, school plays, soccer games, we want to be able to attend parent teacher conferences, and mostly we want to stop having to decide which holidays we can afford to go see him on. Ethan is our world and is mine and Tim's number one priority and right now we are not able to be the parents that we want to be from this far away. So I'm sorry if it upsets people that we are choosing to leave so much behind but none of it matters to me. I don't care if I have a job that pays ten times what I make right now it wont be worth more than being able to see him more than three times a year.

Leaving will be hard and to be honest there are some days that I dread the idea of doing so but there are other days when I get so excited to start a new chapter with my husband and son. I know everyone has the best of intentions when trying to give us advice and tell us what we should or shouldn't do, but I would really appreciate if everyone would just trust us on this one. Trust that we have mature and responsible and done our homework, trust that we know what is best for us, and please stop trying to convince us other wise because it makes it that much more difficult on all of us. I love you all and I hope that this is a decision that will prove to be beneficial for everyone in the long run.


  1. I totally understand your decision. It is said that "it matters not what kind of car you drive, house you live in or the number in your bank account, but what matter most is that you were important in the life of a child."

    It will be harder. Both will have to work because you cannot make it on one salary here as money does not go as far as in the South, but it will be worth it to be near Ethan.

    You will be 2.5 hrs if you ever need a getaway or a place for Christmas or the know you all are welcome here!

    Welcome to New England!

    Uncle John and Aunt Beth

  2. Beleive me Anna, I DO know what you are going through. I had to make a very similar decision 33 years ago when against my parents and good friends advise I decided to move to Minnesota. I had doubts at the time and it was extremely hard financially and emotionally, but as time went by God kept me and confirmed in many ways I had made the right decision for Jenna, Josh, and myself. I met the"best of the best" man,
    Tom, and I have Tim and Dan as a result. You know I have been praying for you both from day one and I will continue, and I will do whatever I can to help and support you and Tim and Ethan. I love you.


  3. Anna,

    I'm not sure if my two cents even matters but Ethan is a very lucky boy. I can't imagine anyone in their right mind trying to convince you that what you are doing is irrational and not thinking of that beautiful helpless baby first.

    Best Wishes to you, Tim, and Ethan.

    Aunt Jeannie
